Friday, July 17, 2009

I am being lazy

It is raining cats and dogs outside. I don't think I will ever understand the swiss weather. One day it is hot like heck and the next day there is thunder and lightning and it's raining like crazy. Looks like it is going to be a very wet day today.
Anyhow I have been very lazy and haven't blogged anything in a while. As of right now my laziness hasn't gone away so I dont know if I will make a long blog (probably not) or if I will make one tomorrow. In this time, we did go to Barcelona which was tons of fun (post tomorrow I promise) and am currently attempting to make plans to go to Italy to see Edi because he is there right now.
Oh and we decided not to go with the apartment in Geneva, it was too expensive. But that still leaves us with no permanent apartment. I spent all day looking online if there are any potential apartments for us but no luck as of yet. Okay well I will continue either later today or tomorrow.


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